
Living in Thessaloniki as a Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad Guide to Thessaloniki

Digital Nomad Guide to Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, also known as Salonica, is a vibrant city in Greece that is increasingly becoming a popular destination for digital nomads. But what is the cost of living and accommodation like in Thessaloniki for those who work remotely? Thessaloniki for Digital Nomads Cost of Accommodation The cost of accommodation in …

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Greece Digital Nomad Visa – How to apply?

Digital Nomad Visa for Greece

Greece Digital Nomad Visa If you are thinking of spending a season working remotely enjoying one of the best tourist destinations in the world, surrounded by ruins and history and the best beaches. Greece and its Digital Nomad visa can be an excellent opportunity. Starting in 2021, the program for digital nomads who are looking …

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