What Is a Digital Nomad and How To Become One?

The “digital nomad” lifestyle of working while traveling around the world, is the dream of many people. Nowadays, we see pictures on Instagram or Facebook of people working with their laptops on the beach. But is it as simple as it seems? Can anyone become a digital nomad and work from anywhere?

The reality may be a little different. And sometimes there are many difficulties to go through first. A good internet connection or a quiet place inside your hostel to make work video calls are good examples.
Also, remote or freelance work is not as simple as sitting on a beach with a computer while you work over a mojito. It takes a lot of work to start getting a proper income stream that allows you to make a living from your business.

Contrary to dissuade you, the idea of this article is to show you the reality and encourage you to become a digital nomad if you consider that this lifestyle is for you.

How To Become a Digital Nomad?

What is a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a person who takes advantage of new technologies to work remotely while traveling around the world. In other words, it is someone who works remotely and changes location regularly.

The main characteristic of a digital nomad is that they earn income by working remotely online regardless of their location. However, sometimes this “freedom of location” does not strictly depend on the nomad’s desire but on the monthly budget he/she can spend in a city according to his/her income level.

Depending on the duration of their trips, we could define a digital nomad as full-time, if the person has no settled residence and lives to move from city to city, or seasonal if the person has a fixed residence and only travels a few months a year.

It is also important to clarify that a digital nomad does not necessarily have to be an entrepreneur with his own business from which he earns income. There are different ways to finance themselves that we could divide into three:

  • Own Entrepreneurship: This is the case of a person who owns his own business from which he obtains income to live while traveling such as a blog, an app, etc. This may be the most difficult way to become a digital nomad because a business takes more time to start generating income to sustain itself.
  • Freelance: It is the digital nomad earning an income by working for one or more clients doing different types of work as a translator, and graphic designer, among others but maintaining some freedom of schedule.
  • Remote worker: A person who works formally for a company, following a schedule but with the possibility of doing it from anywhere in the world.

There is always the possibility of combining these three options in the best way to optimize income and time.


What Skills Are Needed To Become a Digital Nomad?

Countless skills and knowledge are useful when it comes to earning income through the Internet.

Knowing how to write and use basic computer tools could be enough skills to start and get a simple remote job. And in case you know some special field and can combine them would be even better. Creativity and flexibility are the most important things when looking for income options on the internet.


The process to become a digital nomad will always be based on two pillars:

  • Finding or developing a job or business that you can perform regardless of your location.
  • Generate an income stream that allows you to maintain an adequate standard of living.

You just need to start generating income and start your new lifestyle as a digital nomad!